The biggest thing that will help you replace your 9-5 income as a VA

by | Nov 14, 2024 | Uncategorized

There’s one major thing that will determine your ability to replace your 9-5 income as a VA.

Not doing this at the beginning of my VA business 7 years ago kept me in feast-or-famine mode for a long time, burnt me out, and caused me to unintentionally recreate the corporate environment I so badly wanted to escape…

…which meant that even though I did replace my 9-5 income in 5 months, I didn’t have a sustainable business or consistent money coming in that I could count on, and I started to resent my business.

Join me to hear what this one thing is, why not being aware of this holds VAs back from quitting their 9-5s and taking their businesses full-time, and the exact shift you can start making so that you can more than replace your own 9-5 income working part-time hours and hand in your two weeks notice sooner rather than later.

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