About Steph

Hey there! I’m Steph, and it’s so nice to meet you.

As a Business + Mindset Coach for Virtual Assistants, I help incredible humans like you build and grow their businesses from $0 to $5k+ cash months by gaining clarity on their mindset, messaging, and processes so that they can build momentum that leads to booking clients and booking out their businesses.

I help them leave their soul-sucking jobs for good in favor of freedom and flexibility, make MORE working part-time from their sofas, and do it all with balance so they have time to spend a day with their kiddos at the beach or hit that midday yoga class. 

The reason I KNOW I can help you create the life and business of your dreams as a VA is because I’ve done it myself. 

I’ve learned and grown through my own trial and error, made every mistake imaginable, and built a 6-figure, booked-out Virtual Assistant + Online Business Management business with a team of eight amazing people and new leads flowing in each and every week.

Speaking of mistakes…

I remember busting my booty non-stop the first year I was in business as a VA (because I was charging too little and always needed a ton of clients in order to hit my income goals), which meant I missed out on all the things I wanted to enjoy when I started my business in the first place, like field trips with my nephews and more time with my hubby.

It was frustrating, and at the time, I felt like I’d never be able to slow down or work less if I wanted to make good money. Little did I know that working that hard was actually one of the reasons why I wasn’t making good money, and what I really needed to do was raise my rates, set boundaries, and invest in myself and my business.

So much changed when I did just that – I started making more than I could’ve imagined while working less than I ever had AND enjoying my life way more.

And I want that for YOU. I want you to start making really amazing money now, and I don’t want you to have to suffer through a year (or more) of overwhelm and tears to have it.

No matter where you are on your journey to building your own
profitable VA business, I’m here to support you and help you grow your business on your terms while
working less and making more.

Maybe you’re…

♥ Desperate to ditch your shitty corporate gig and wondering if you can really, truly start your business and replace your income as a Virtual Assistant.

♥ Struggling to find and book paying VA clients and feeling completely clueless when it comes to how to price your services, what services to even offer, and how to actually run your business.

♥ Booking VA clients consistently, but you’ve actually started recreating the corporate environment that you were so desperate to escape by under-charging and putting zero boundaries in place with clients, and you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed out (and resenting your business entirely more often than you’d like to admit).

Wherever you are right now, I’ve been in your shoes,
and I know what’s on the other side: 

♥ A done-for-you business that makes you bank on your terms

♥ Freedom, flexibility, and true fulfillment

♥ A life AND business that you love (because yes, you can absolutely have both!)

My Journey from Office Manager to 6-Figure VA + OBM

Here’s how it all started…

I didn’t have big dreams of becoming a successful online entrepreneur.

Truthfully, I spent most of my life not knowing WTF I wanted to do, or who I wanted to be.

Then a few years back, NOT getting promoted led to making close to what I made in a year in just ONE month, and I knew I’d stumbled upon something that was better than I could’ve ever imagined.

But let me back up.

Four years after getting my Healthcare Administration degree, which I pursued because I knew I wanted to help people but had no idea HOW that looked, I got a job as an Office Assistant in the mental health field that paid $30k/year ($6k more than I was making at the time).

I felt like I hit the jackpot.

Stephanie Orosco

It also had fully covered healthcare, offered more paid time off than I’d ever had before, AND it was at a hospital – which had been nearly impossible for me to get into without actually having healthcare experience first.

I loved working with the patients there, and for a while, I had BIG plans and dreams to stay there forever, take over my Director’s role once she retired, work from home part time, and triple my income in the process.

As an introvert who values quiet time with my pup over almost everything, I felt depleted and exhausted every day in a role that required endless human interaction and communication, but I assumed that was just the way it was going to be. 

I had to have a job, right? So I figured I may as well climb the ladder and make more while doing it.

I worked hard to make that happen and was so sure I’d get the promotion when the time came. 

But then a funny thing happened – I didn’t get what I wanted. 

My Director didn’t think I had enough experience at the hospital and decided not to recommend me for the promotion.

And ya know what? That was the best thing that could’ve EVER happened to me. 🙏

At first, I felt stuck, scared, and unsure of what to do next, but then I took to Google and started looking into ways I could help people from home. 

At the time, I brought home $2k each month, so my goal was to replace that *exact* amount of income. And honestly, figuring out how to make that much from home felt next to impossible. 

I knew two things: I wanted to make an impact, and I wanted to work from home so that I could homeschool our future kids one day. 

And BAM – I found Virtual Assisting work. I jumped in and learned everything I could.

I started my VA business that very month back in 2017 without knowing where the hell to get paying clients, how to run a business, or what services I should even offer.

But I started anyway.

I signed my first clients less than two months later and supported them on nights and weekends, brought in more money from clients than I was bringing home from my salary, and was happier than I’d been in years.

I quit my 9-5 job just FIVE MONTHS after starting my business, and I knew I had *actually * hit the jackpot this time.

One year later, I brought my husband into the business with me full-time, and we grew and scaled our little VA business to a six-figure OBM business and a team of eight

My life is so much better than I even could’ve imagined now (not to mention, as an OBM, I made close to what I made in a year in just one month), but I never would’ve gotten to experience this if I hadn’t decided to go all-in on me and do the damn thing! 

Things can change quickly once you have that fire under you. 

Sometimes the “worst” things, like not getting that raise or promotion,
open you up to even better things than you could’ve imagined. 

I believe that taking massive action, having a clear plan and direction, and trusting yourself
to figure it out as you go are three of the biggest keys to making your dream life a reality. 

I now help VAs do just that so they can leave their jobs, work from home part-time, and
make amazing money while also having a life and not working around the clock

What would it feel like to make your yearly salary in one month working from home?

Are you ready to see what’s on the other side and step into a life and business
that feels like you’ve hit the jackpot on the daily?


As a member of my community, I want you to feel as LOVED as your pup makes you feel
when you walk in the door each time you’re here. 

I want you to know that you are welcome, cherished, accepted, and supported.
I see you, I value you, and I’m so damn happy to invite you in.

We just need to get clear on a few things first. 

Scaling with Heart is an Anti-Racist company, and we know Black Lives Matter.

We are passionate about equity and justice, and we’re continuously doing our own Anti-Racist work
to make the deep internal shifts that need to happen, both in our business and in the world. 

We celebrate LOVE and know that LGBTQ+ rights are human rights.

We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to hate, racism, sexism, homophobia, or transphobia of any kind.

Official Bio :

Steph Orosco is a Business Coach for Virtual Assistants based in Austin, TX. After building and growing her own VA + OBM business to six figures, she now helps VAs gain massive clarity, build momentum, and book paying clients through mindset, messaging, and processes so they can go from $0 in business to consistent $5k+ months and live more while making more.

When Steph’s not curled up with her rescue pup (and running her dream business from bed), she can be found pushing herself through early morning Peloton rides, loving on her nephews and niece, and traveling + exploring with her favorite human and husband, Sam.

Media Features:

ONE Question: Unapologetic Questions for Unapologetic Results Podcast with Kim Argetsinger:
ONE Question to LIVE More and Make More with Steph Orosco

Voyage Austin Community Highlights:
Meet Steph Orosco of Scaling with Heart

Helping You Live More and Make More – Scaling with Heart

One Simple Shift with Amanda Joyce Weber:
The mindset shift to help you live more while making more with Steph Orosco

Being All Of You with Haylee LaRose:
Letting go of perfectionism and learning to embrace the gray area

Feel like we could be a fit, and want to chat about the money-making magic that’s possible with my support?